Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Be the First Adviser of Your Advice

One of the hardest things for most people is to be the student. To apply what we teach, advise, counsel, share with others to our own lives. This is why lawyers should not be their own defense, counselors need a therapist (vice versa) & doctors make the worst patients. How frustrating & painful it is when we see others lives spiraling b/c they are their own counsel yet not applying the advice they give others. Will we miss it, sure but let's use 2016 (no, start today) to seek to always be the 1st partaker of a (life) lesson, a message, a quote or experience. 

Don't just post it for others, sit & hear the message wishing the other person was there to hear it or watch it & make it about them. Take it in for yourself 1st. Eat the whole roll & digest it 1st for you, your life, situation & your character! God allowed you to see it, hear it, read it, experience it (1st) for a reason! Believe it or not, it is something in it for you to glean & gain from as well. Learn from your lectures & pretty posts. 

Life application : End each post, message you' hear or read, etc. with: Does that apply to me, Is that me, What can I take away from this for me, What can I learn from this, etc.  Pause, think about it & digest it!  If it relates, apply  it and grow!

God sent His son (The Savior of the Word) for us to have life, to be whole and free.  Often what HE sends our way and allows us to encounter that we say, "That is good...I wish such and such was here to hear that...I hope such and so read this...Oooo this is just what they need..." the reality and truth is that often it is in part or in whole for us now or will be for us later!  Don't resist or rebel against, deny or reject Truth, God, His Word, The Holy Spirit, the Message or the Messenger HE is using for you to get it!  Ask for an ear to hear what God is saying to you - first!  Read it, hear it, receive it, apply it, live it FIRST for yourself...Then be wise in how to advise!  Seek to be the 1st partaker!  

“Therefore, in all things He (Jesus, you & me) had to be made like His brethren (first) that He might be a merciful, faithful and prudent (wise) High Priest (intercessor, Christian) in things pertaining to God, to make (be the) propitiation (full payment) for the sins of the people. For in that He Himself (first) has suffered and been tempted, He is (fully) able to aid those who suffer and are tempted. Therefore, holy brethren, (now) partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our confession, Christ Jesus (who experienced it & lived it first),...Therefore, as the Holy Spirit says: “Today, if you will hear His voice, Do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion, In the day of trial in the wilderness,..."" Hebrews 2:17-18, 3:1,7,8

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Monday, December 28, 2015

Closing Out 2015 - What I Have Learned : The Masks of Men (WoMen)

What I've learned #1...

It is one thing for a person to 'feel you' (touched by the feelings), another for them to 'get you' (live together in understanding, in all your getting get an understanding) but to 'see you' is to truly know you (you know my inward secret thoughts, you see me afar off).  People love it when you "feel" them & get them but seeing them makes most uncomfortable because it is a place of vulnerably.  It exposes parts of us we do not - are not ready to reveal. Yet, how can you have a genuine authentic healthy relationship without it.  Now, I do not mean by the 2nd date they should know everything there is to know about you.

My question for you is:  Which do you prefer: someone who feels you, gets you, see you, a combo or all.  To avail yourself to all, that means you are ready to be REAL - TRANSPARENT!  In this there is no vagueness, no secrets... withholding nothing.  The "don't ask don't tell" policy is not in effect.  They do not live by "ask me no questions - I tell you no lies."  Do not confuse someone telling you "every thing" with telling "everything".  The first tells you what (the thing(s) they want you to know.  The second is an open book...Whether they volunteer it or when asked they tell it and they answer honestly.   Wisdom of when to tell what is key.  If in doubt pray, ask God and HE will lead you.  However transparency is vital to  establishing a healthy relationship.

With every exchange, every encounter, every shared dream and past hurt and learned experienced there should be - must be a greater level of TRUTH and TRANSPARENCY!  Else what you building your relationship on are "half-truths" which are lies and often secrets that will come out - be exposed (intentionally or unintentionally) later.

Trust is built through not only transparency, but time (calendar and experience), open and honest communication (transparency), and understanding. 

I have heard people say and seen it written that acceptance is apart of the equation.  Let me touch on that.  Someone accepting us for who we are and what we have been through that often made us who we are is that is more about our respecting and not blindly accepting. Accepting you is not excusing or approving of us or our bad behavior. God, our Heavenly Father acceptances us and loves us but HE never excessed us or approves of our bad behavior (sin; against Him, ourselves or others). 

What I know:
A healthy, lasting, enduring relationship cannot be established and built on lies or secrets.  We must remove the masks.  If we do not know how, ask God to give you the courage and strength. To remove the fear.  Masks are for fun and are meant for momentary wear. They are never meant for long-term permanent wear or to be put or kept on as an accessory. They are most often seen and visible at parties and scary days, i.e.,Halloween & Masquerade Parties. They become uncomfortable after a while and must be (should be) removed. You can't breathe freely behind one. In our natural daily lives and relationship encounters, they worn out of fear; fear of acceptance, rejection, self hate, self denial. They are a deception to wearer and the receiver.  The shame or challenge is that they can be worn so long that they become natural and accepted.  Paul  L. Dunbar put it like this

When God starts or uses someone to see us it can be fearful - uncomfortable.  It exposes us.  Without understanding, this could be a curse more than a blessing.  Forgetting that if God is allowing it, it is for our good.  I believe this is more challenging for men than women.  Why?  Men want to be seen by their woman as their knight in shining armor, their hero. And to be seen; particularly by their woman before marriage can be intimidating for them.  Their reveal tends to be little by little; unlike women who can sometimes reveal too much too soon!

I have often said when people act out or change it not that they changed it was simply that what was in them came out.  What changed was our ability to see and be truthful with ourselves about what we see and witness.

What do we do
Let us seek to remove the mask and be real to ourselves and others.  Representatives need not apply. Show up as you.  No pretending or keeping secrets.  Being vague is deception and seeks deceive.  White or black - little or big lies are not ok.

Always be you - your real authentic you.  No matter the hat you are require to wear always, ONLY present the real you.  Tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth about who you are.  You past and present struggles.  Do not pull people into your masquerade     that you call life.  If you desire for your relationship to be strong and last; to weather the storms, it is imperative that trust, honesty, communication, support, fun, love, forgiveness, and transparency are the foundation of your relationship and union.

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Wednesday, December 23, 2015

God Does ReGIft

The Challenge 
Have you ever found yourself challenged or questioning how what was a blessings has now become a burden (weighs you down, overly frustrates or stresses you, brings no peace, offers no help, adds nothing to you, oppresses or depresses you, confusion) ... What changed : you, the blessed thing (the gift of or from God) or God...Was the 'blessing' really from God (for every good and perfect gift comes from above) or a manufactured (you made it) blessing... "For the blessings of the Lord make us rich (adds to us, makes a better, may come with challenges - opposition but God gives us what we need to overcome) and adds no sorrow to it or us and neither does toiling obtain or keep it" (Prov 10:22, Amp).

In other words, when the BLESSING (the job, promotion, relationship, degree, house, car(s), etc.) is from God, toil (excessive, continuous hard labor), worry, fear, frustration, anxiety, anger, insecurity, doubt, oppression, depression, sorrow (feelings of deep distress caused by loss or fear of loss, disappointment, or a misfortune suffered by oneself or others due to a bad or emotional decision or choice) are not in it. Those things are not from God but the enemy within and or without!  Let me help us: God's blessing (what is from Him) does not change and neither does HE change.  If it was 'all that' in the beginning and through the middle, quit possibly it was from God!  The blessing(s) you rejected, mishandle, dismiss is still a BLESSING. Except now, God has to recondition it to give it to someone else to receive, appreciate, value, keep, maintain, add to, etc.  It (the blessing) could be an idea, a partner, a lover, friend, job, spouse, house, increase, opportunity, etc.

The truth is what and or who changes is us...We change our mind, feelings, our level of interest, commitment, focus, attention, gratefulness, passion, love, appreciation, desire, etc.  We take for granted the blessing God has given us.  Often we make God's BLESSING(s) - His good thing(s) a bad thing(s) because we make lifelong impacting decisions based on ever changing feelings that influence our choices.  The result is often loss, hurt and regret. We ruin, mishandle, mistreat, misappropriate the blessings!  And often damage them and or ourselves for the next.  Thank God that HE does and knows how to regift.  

The Support
Remember Matt 25; the story of the talents.  The Master took the gift - the blessing from the one who did not honor or value it's worth.  HE gave it to the one who knew how to handle a treasure - a blessing. And we cannot forget Abigail in 1 Samuel 25.  She was married to Nabal (the fool).  Her husband (Nabal) mishandled, dishonored and disrespected his position and her (his gift - blessing) and God removed him from the equation and gave her to David.  God gave her to her husband (Nabal) to honor, help him, and to help him do the right but he did not.  HE gave him chance(s) to get it together and he didn't.  HE continued to speak (thru others including his wife) to him but he didn't listen.  So, his good thing was given to someone else.  God ReGift His gift!  Yes, what God has for us is for us but we gott'a do right by it, Him, and others.  No, HE will not (every again) repent or regret His giving us a gift or blessing (for the gifts of God are without (HIS) repentance)...but we (bout) need to repent often..daily for how we handle not only our gift(s) but our lives, others, and our relationship with Him

God seeks to give each of us a good thing(s).  His desire is not to withhold any good thing from us. HE gives us time to seek Him, see it, get it together, deal with ourselves, hear Him, and obey Him to receive it.  Decide today to no longer waste time on whose fault it is, tell the truth, take responsibly, forgive, chart a difference course, and chose be diligent to respect, value, honor His gift; the  blessing that HE has given or wants to bestow upon you; including yourself and the gift of life.  If you don't know how, ask Him and HE will.  If possible and feasible, be sure to inquire of the blessed thing what is desired - necessary for it to know its level of importance to you.  

The Truth
As we close out 2015, let's reflect. Consider your ways, choices, decisions, actions...Be honest - real with yourself and others... Don't look at them only.  Let us look at us. No blame - No pointing fingers - No tit-for-tat.  Ask yourself the hard questions..."Did God reward me with a blessing (that job, house, increase in my finances, relationship, woman, man, spouse, friendship, transportation, business, opportunity, connection, etc.) and I ruined it"..."Did I change God's blessing to a burden with my stink'n thinking, wavering emotions, insecurities, past positions, prideful or selfish neglect?" 

So how do I make it "right"... what does this look like?  Glad you asked...It certainly means at a minimum, an apology & request for forgiveness and  t may mean moving on.  Or it may allow for reconciliation but either way...DO NOT go into your new year with unresolved issues & open doors of uncertainty & confusion.  

Here is a good way to know which 'right' to take:

Leave your pray (request for all the stuff you (keep) ask(ing) God to do and for and go make it right.  If possible, be reconciled.  Help us Lord see ourselves, our role and be the first partaker of our own advice or medicine. 
  1. Did you make a rash, emotional decision 
  2. Did you ask God before you made the decision, spoke it and moved forward in it 
  3. Did you seek wise counsel or were you your own counsel
  4. Has your decision brought more hurt, pain, confusion, despair, loneliness, frustration, anxiety, uncertainty, unhappiness, etc.
  5. Does the thought of "your gift" being ReGifted makes very uncomfortable, jealous, etc. 
  6. Looking yourself in the mirror - you now admit that you gave up - you didn't do everything you could - you didn't fight for it - you gave the devil not only a foot-hole but full access - this one was on you
  7. Under close true self-examination you are forced to acknowledge and conclude that you had a good thing and blow it 
  8. You have not missed a day - gone very few moments without reconsidering - thinking about the gift you gave back
  9. Were there parts/aspects of the gift - the blessing you never tapped into, appreciated, use, explored, decorated...
  10. Are there still dreams/goals that God spoke to you when it was good (before you changed) that are tied to that gift - blessing
  11. Do you - have you experienced any regret from your decision 
  12. If you had it to do over again, would you handle it - do it the same way 
  13. This last one is real easy, if 1-12 are in the affirmative...Then this one is/was on you...Go and make it right!  
  14. The only question God has for you is 

    Do you want - desire - believe it is My will for you to have the gift - the blessing I gave to you back...?  If yes, (and even if no) ...for your God Relationship sake here is the 

The Solution

  • Repent; change your mind about it-the situation-the person(s)
True REPENTANCE is not feeling sorrow for yourself but sorrowful that you (knowingly or unknowingly, intentionally or not) hurt or disappointed or dishonored God (and others) and or what HE has blessed you with.  It is Godly sorrow that leads to repentance that causes us to want to make things right, do the right thing...change our behavior.  Always knowing what we can't do on our own, we can do with and through God, His Word (truth), prayer and accountability!
  • Die to you - Humble yourself  
  • Ask God for forgiveness 
For being unappreciative and dishonoring  Him and His gift...for being presumptuous and prideful in thinking that you know better than Him, for not asking Him what to do and how to do, for doing it your way as if HE didn't know what was best for you or have a plan for you (in that job, position  relationship, marriage, etc.) 

  • If people are involved, ask them for forgiveness 
  • Forgive yourself 
  • Ask Him for His will and instruction - to remove fear - to make your way good and your timing right - that you are receive ...
  • Then obey Him quickly and fully
  • If possible (with God all things are possible), while you still have time (life, breath, opportunity, chance); go and be reconciled - go make it 'right' with them (your spouse, your manager, your pastor, your children, the love of your life, your parents, your friend, etc.) 

The Conclusion
You will know when you get there if reconciliation includes restoration and reuniting!  Be ready to do the work to regain - win back buy back your gift - the blessing - your good thing.  After all, isn't that what Jesus did for you - for us all!  

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Sunday, December 13, 2015

What Did God Say...

The Problem

Much of the loss, stress, failures, lack, struggles, start overs, sadness, frustration, bumps and blunders, setbacks and repeats we face are because we did not and do not pray before we act; and we do not wait until God instructs.  We either keep going when God (I repeat, God...not you) says, "Stop, wait, be still, listen (for my instruction), wait,  and obey fully)." 

The Example

In many of David's struggles, battles, fights, confusion, uncertainty, he asked God, (1 Samuel 30, 2 Samuel 2 and 5) "Should I advance, should I go up, should I attack, fight, continue, go forward?"  In all these scriptures God said, (God said - not David) "Go up, advance, move forward, take it, go get (back) what's yours." God gave David instructions on how to overtake the enemy, how to win and overcome the challenge.  In 2 Samuel 5, God gave David 2 different instructions on how to handle the same devil (enemy), different level.  The first time the enemy came at them it was because they heard David was king.  The next time, their  jealousy turned into anger because of his continuous victories (because of his obedience toward God), his success and he took all of their concubines and wives.  The second time, it was the Philistines that came after David. Once again, David asks God, “Shall I go up against the Philistines? Will you give them into my hand?” And the Lord said to David, “Go up, for I will certainly give the Philistines into your hand...the Lord, he said, “You shall not go up; go around to their rear, and come against them opposite the balsam trees.24 And when you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the balsam trees, then rouse yourself, for then the Lord has gone out before you to strike down the army of the Philistines.” In both (all) cases God fought the battle for David and gave him the victory.

The Hard Truth

David didn't tuck his tail and run.  What kind of man, leader, warrior (husband, father, owner, partner, friend, son, leader, etc.), would David have been to not inquire of the LORD or  flee into or out of fear?  It is this quality (genuine humility, recognizing his wrong, that he needs help, he is not always right, he does not know everything, or what is best for him, those he leads or those God has given him and it is Ok) that made him a man after God’s own heart.  

The Solution
  1. David sought. - inquired - ask God for instructions
  2. He kept praying. 
  3. He waited for God's response and instructions. - God hates quick feet...they run into trouble
  4. He responded and did not procrastinate. - delayed obedience is disobedience
  5. He did EXACTLY what the LORD told him to do. - partial obedience is disobedience and does not repeat you the full reward or victory    
  6. He remained humble.
  7. He got the victory and the spoils.
  8. He worshiped God in word, song, and service. 
He didn't allow past failures, fights, foes (that same trick, scheme, habit, and struggle of the enemy) or wins to make him fear or cause him to make rash or wrong decisions.  He did not let pride come in, finding himself puffed-up because of his past victories and causing him to not seek God (help).  He did not pridefully run ahead of God without God and justify it later with, "But I thought...I just…"  He did not wave the flag of surrender because of fear of failing or of success.   

The Conclusion

The battle was already won!  The fight was fixed in his favor!  He would have lost a battle, the victory, the blessing, the witness of all he gained had he not sought God for His will, submitted to it, stood under it, stayed in it, experience it and tasted the WIN!  As it was for David, it is for you and me. God's will and his plan is for us to succeed.  But WE must seek Him, stay in Him, stand with Him and serve God to see and get the victory; to have the testimony that God did it...look what the LORD (not you or I) has done!  If HE did it for me, HE can, will and is able to do it for you!  Someone needs your testimony.  Your life is a witness of His goodness to be heard, seen and read by many. 

Beloved, God wants you...His people to be winners. Victorious, strong and courageous; doing and overcoming great things and challenges for His Glory and namesake!  Aren't you tired of making the same mistakes out of your own intellect and unwise decisions?  Isn't doing the same thing the same way and  getting the same bad results called insanity?  

Choose to do things differently. Choose to do things God's way.  Seek Him to know, listen to hear and respond quickly.  Obey the whole instructions so you can have good success, powerful victory and a mighty testimony.  

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The Enemy Without Or The Enemy Within Me: It's Real!

I do not typically take too much time to speak on, about or concerning the devil, but I hate him and all the works of him.  Anyone or thing that comes against the plan, purpose  or will of God for you, your life, family, marriage, etc. is an enemy!  And the devil is his name.  The enemy personified is behind it all.  He is such a destroyer and deceiver of the elect and the simple.

The Problem
Listen beloved, where there is confusion, strife, despair, fear, doubt, hopelessness, insecurity... God is nowhere in it!  Stop allowing him (the enemy outside of you and the one in you) to come in and deceive you; allowing him to run roughshod over your life, your soul, your body, your purpose, your destiny, where you end up making a decision and choices that impact not only your life now and for years to come but the lives of many others.

No, the devil didn't make you do it. You gave him room and access. It was the little and the big foxes that you let in your life, your mind, your home, your relationship, your business, your family, your finances, your marriage, from your past, and your mouth.  Some sneaked in past you unaware while others thrust through.  You saw it coming, but you let it in anyway. You pacified it, ignored it, made excuses for it, ran to escape from it in your work, a bottle, women, men, studies, perversion, shopping, gambling, internet (good and bad stuff) and the like.  You did everything except speak against it and did nothing about it to stop it, to protect, cover, guard and keep what God gave and blessed you with.

The Measure
How do you know if it was the enemy or God's will for you to do, say or make the choices you made? Good question.
1) Did God tell you to do it (leave the job, end the relationship, buy that house/car, separate/divorce, start/open the business, go back to school, stop taking your medicine, start that church, etc.)?
2) Did you seek wise counsel prior to doing it or were you your own "counsel"?
3) What  precipitated the transition?
4) Was it done out of fear, anger, conflict, frustration, anxiety, impatience, to prove a point, pride, retaliation, spite, to force someone's hand (a boss, a spouse, a parent, a child, etc.)?
5) Do you have real peace?
6) Do you have real joy?
7) Have your emotions associated with the decision become overwhelming?
8) Did it make ANYTHING (of or from God) better, grow, advance in your life or are you stuck, going backwards, and things seem worse?

The Solution
No guilt, no condemnation and no shame.  Own it!  Get up, get it together, humble yourself, no excuses, and no fear. Man or woman up, speak life, declare God's Word, blessings and promises over your life.  If you can, if possible...feasible, go make it right. Do not procrastinate.  Go get your life back. Get back what he stole, tricked you into giving up, walking away from, forfeiting, sabotaging, dismantling (including hopes, dreams, visions, plans, prophecies, relationships, friendships) and what was good for you from God and His will.

The Conclusion
Pray for His will, direction, timing and wisdom. This time, I pray you will listen, OBEY and do what is needed to keep it!  We pray it's not too late or beyond your reach!  God speed!

View Relationships Rule videos at

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