Listen beloved, where there is confusion, strife, despair, fear, doubt, hopelessness, insecurity... God is nowhere in it! Stop allowing him (the enemy outside of you and the one in you) to come in and deceive you; allowing him to run roughshod over your life, your soul, your body, your purpose, your destiny, where you end up making a decision and choices that impact not only your life now and for years to come but the lives of many others.
No, the devil didn't make you do it. You gave him room and access. It was the little and the big foxes that you let in your life, your mind, your home, your relationship, your business, your family, your finances, your marriage, from your past, and your mouth. Some sneaked in past you unaware while others thrust through. You saw it coming, but you let it in anyway. You pacified it, ignored it, made excuses for it, ran to escape from it in your work, a bottle, women, men, studies, perversion, shopping, gambling, internet (good and bad stuff) and the like. You did everything except speak against it and did nothing about it to stop it, to protect, cover, guard and keep what God gave and blessed you with.
The Measure
How do you know if it was the enemy or God's will for you to do, say or make the choices you made? Good question.
1) Did God tell you to do it (leave the job, end the relationship, buy that house/car, separate/divorce, start/open the business, go back to school, stop taking your medicine, start that church, etc.)?
2) Did you seek wise counsel prior to doing it or were you your own "counsel"?
3) What precipitated the transition?
4) Was it done out of fear, anger, conflict, frustration, anxiety, impatience, to prove a point, pride, retaliation, spite, to force someone's hand (a boss, a spouse, a parent, a child, etc.)?
5) Do you have real peace?
6) Do you have real joy?
7) Have your emotions associated with the decision become overwhelming?
8) Did it make ANYTHING (of or from God) better, grow, advance in your life or are you stuck, going backwards, and things seem worse?
The Solution
No guilt, no condemnation and no shame. Own it! Get up, get it together, humble yourself, no excuses, and no fear. Man or woman up, speak life, declare God's Word, blessings and promises over your life. If you can, if possible...feasible, go make it right. Do not procrastinate. Go get your life back. Get back what he stole, tricked you into giving up, walking away from, forfeiting, sabotaging, dismantling (including hopes, dreams, visions, plans, prophecies, relationships, friendships) and what was good for you from God and His will.
The Conclusion
Pray for His will, direction, timing and wisdom. This time, I pray you will listen, OBEY and do what is needed to keep it! We pray it's not too late or beyond your reach! God speed!*********************************************************************************
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