A Note to My Love - #3
Good morning Love. Thank for letting me to be me. Thank you for encouraging me, supporting me, believing in me and helping me be what and who all God has called me to be. Thank you for accepting and receiving me - my words, my wisdom, my input, my good days and my not so good moments. Even in our differences we are strong together and find harmony. Thank you for every compliment, touch, and look of affection, affirmation and approval. Thank you for being with me and for me. Thank you that I am on your mind and your desire and pleasure is for me only. Thank you that with you I feel and I know I am (all of me is) secure & protected. My heart is yours and yours is mine. Thank you for our laughs, fun times and making me smile. Thank you for the music we make together and the ministry we do. Thank you that we have agreed to not only make each other smile but Daddy God smile first. All things are for His Glory. Thank you for your passion! And making our purpose clear. Thank you for being a man I can follow and submit to because you have direction, a vision. You are a leader who follows Christ and I can and choose to willingly follow and submit too. Thank you for loving me thoroughly thru Him as yourself…and even mo’ better. Thank you for your kindness, goodness, gentleness, and giving spirit towards me. Thank you that I am your # 1 and I am your priority - in this I do not doubt. With these things my love for you grows and my love wants and desires you more. God sent you and I am grateful that I did not give up, give in or settle. I have become the woman I am to be given you - the man I dreamed of. It is my honor to be called your confidant - your love - your bride - your crown - your wife fo' life! I am blessed to be your helpmate - your partner - your friend - your lover - your cheerleader - your confidant - your roadie - your wife fo' life. My life is good now and our's together will be great and grand. Preparation and opportunity have met and kissed and it is time - our time! I am moved by you to wait on and for you. I wait eagerly for you! Love you love!
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