It is the beginning of the end or already the end when a woman is fed up and has stopped arguing and or crying about you, because of you or for you. It take a loooong time (men seem to get here quicker); often YEARS for her to get there. Years that have been based and bathed in many failed and false promises, hurts, unresolved issues, disappointments, her trying to talk and tell but not being heard or respected, etc. Now you men experience this as well but again it takes you less time and chances to come to this place than women.
Everyone's emotions; particularly those demonstrated are tied to the heart. We argue, cry, get angry, pray because we are hurt, disappointed, concerned, want something or bod to change or want to be heard and understood. We (she) cry, hurt, are concerned because we care...Care about you, the relationship, the situation. Her silence and lack of tears denotes she is no longer hurt or angry...She cares...for you. But she has come to a place call RESOLVE. She has accepted (resolved) - is at peace (soul's mind and emotion) that her man - the relationship or situation will not change. She is done. She is moving towards or already has a plan. She may live with you, be with you, do for you, talk to you but her heart will be far from you.
This my dear brothers is not a good place to be and not one you want or should ever allow it or her to get to this place. God's Word tell you in 1 Pet 3:5-8, "...husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way (patience) [be a good husband to your wife, with great gentleness and tact, and with an intelligent regard for the marriage relationship, honor them, delight in them], as with someone physically weaker, since she is a woman. Show her honor and respect as a fellow heir of the grace of life (as a equal), so that your prayers will not be hindered or ineffective. Finally, all of you be like-minded [united in spirit], sympathetic, brotherly, kindhearted [courteous and compassionate toward each other as members of one household], and humble in spirit;..."
Go get her:
Pray (alone and together), talk, share, communicate, get counsel, be patient and loving, tell the truth, be honest, be kind in word and deed, have fun together, seek 1st (as the head and leader) to understand before you see to be understood. Resolve and seek agreement, peace and harmony. Don't settle for a roommate situation. She wants to love you (again), admire you, trust you, respect you...She really does want to exhale but she has held her breath so long waiting for you...that last thing was the pin that let her air out. She is deflated; probably not defeated (with that comes depression) but your genuine: effort, apology, an ask of forgiven, truthfulness and consistent steps towards change and rebuilding will inflate her again. It may be slow but slow and steady allows makes for good landing and port-a-cal. Catch that on your way home...
You make think it is easier to let her go and get another but it's not. You've both invested too much. Treating, deweeding, fertilizing, and caring for and about your lawn is always best!!

Please note:
You have to want the relationship - marriage and all that comes with it as much as you want her and all the benefits; sex, cooked meals, clean house, etc. that come from having her. As the head and leader you have ALL access to God and the authority to command the devil to back up...sit down...shut up and get out of you, her, and your marriage...And that my dear brother is find and show nuf sexy to your woman! Just think what more you can have with her and get from her and God when you seek 1st to please Him and her.
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