What to do when you are back at wait...
After you have received what you thought was your answer to prayer, your blessings, your good job, your dream house, your good "thang", then something happens and you are back at wait(ting). I pray this EXCERPT from my book "Waiting: Mastering the UnAvoidable" page 277 will encourage, bless, and strengthen you in your waiting place, for the journey to your now (present) and next (future)!
"It is the self-accusation and doubt of why you are back at wait that makes the return and the season more difficult. What did I not learn the first or the last time that I am sentenced again to wait? What did I miss? Beloved, may I bring comfort to your confusion and the series of questions that you may be bombarding your brain with? It very well could have been nothing wrong with you or with what you did wrong. You took your medicine, completed your treatments, and got a clean bill of health, but here you are back at waiting on the results from a routine test. Does that mean you did something wrong? Not necessarily and sometimes, absolutely not. Mistakes are simply a part of the process of life; some more costly than others. But be encouraged! If (when) Christ is in you and you are in Him, it will all work together for your good. Healing and restoration is still the children of God’s bread. HE still took the stripes and by His stripes you are healed physically, emotionally, mentally, etc.
Ok, you missed it. The signs, the indicators, the flags, the blinking lights, and the warnings. Like many of us, you were led or drawn away by your heart’s desires and emotions. Maybe, your (lust) flesh, eyes, and appetites lead you astray. Yes, they deceived you and everyone else. Maybe, you did cast your pearls before that which was not worthy. Ok, all that may be or is the case but now it is time to let it (or...him or her) go. Stop beating yourself up. Leave it and them there. Remember, your past cannot tell you anything different or new. Can you look yourself in the mirror and say, "I did my best, I did right concerning it, them or us. Where I missed it, I have or will apologize and ask for forgiveness, I forgive them and I forgive me..." If you can do that, it is time to do like the song my little nieces sing says, "Let it go, let it go! Turn away and slam the door." You’ve been there and through there (it) already. No more going back in your mind, emotions, and some of you in person. In most cases, certainly without a heart and mind change (and committed to that), you will not find anything new or different in your past.
Despite what it looks and feels like, you made it through and out! The Bible says, "...why do you turn your back again to the weak and miserable elements (thought, habits)..." Galatians 4:9 (and I would add people). Why are you returning, going back in any way shape or form to what God has expelled from you and released you from? No more beating yourself up with “what if”, “why didn’t I, how could they (I), I should have seen or known better, I so...”. Stop it! No regrets. God can, is willing and able to give you bigger, better, greater and more. Your next string (of pearls – your heart cries of love and nurturing) will be from fresh water. You (your love, your heart) will be precious and highly valued (esteemed) by the one who receives you (your pearls). In all this, all that you went through and will face in life, God’s grace was and is still sufficient. His love, which encompasses His commitment to you and forgiveness of you, still covers a multitude of sins, iniquities, trespasses, mistakes, and wrong decisions."
Wait on the Lord. Your Next (future) will be bigger, better, greater, more than you could have asked thought or imagined. It (what you went through, lost, experienced) will be worth the wait!
Order your copy today at http://atkpublishing.wix.com/atkpublishingwaiting
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Join me for one of my upcoming Book Signings (10/25 has been cancelled).
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